Media education: How do you teach your children to use media responsibly? Reflections and experiences of a concerned father who gradually realizes what it all means… […]
„In der Musik bin ich die Melodie.“ Bhagavad Gita Yoga und Sprache Inhaltsverzeichnis 0 Vorbemerkungen 1 Was ist Sprache? 2 Heilige Sprache: Sanskrit 3 Sprechen […]
Herzlich willkommen zu unserm Videoseminar „Über die hohe Kunst der Kommunikation“. Ein kurzer Vorspann: “Es ist unmöglich, die Menschen zu kennen, ohne die Macht der Worte […]
Az emberek vagy szervezetek néha kollektíven kirekesztődnek diszkriminatív kijelentések vagy cselekedetek miatt. A hópehely pejoratív kifejezést ilyenkor a kritizált egyének vagy szervezetek arra használhatják, hogy az […]
Individuals or organizations are sometimes collectively excluded because of discriminatory statements or actions. The pejorative term snowflake can then be used by the criticized individuals or […]
The term „Leitkultur“ (guiding culture) emerged in the course of political debates on integration (Novak, 2006, 17). It was introduced in 1996 by the political scientist […]
Catcalling is an Anglicism that in the German-speaking world stands for „verbal sexual harassment“ in public spaces (Ismail 2020). In English, the term street harassment is […]
The term xenophobia comes from the Greek xénos „the foreigner“ and phóbos „fear“. Fear of the foreign refers to rejecting attitudes and behaviors towards everything that […]
The term wokeness – in German, awakening – describes a broad awareness of racist, sexist and social discrimination. Meanwhile, the word is often instrumentalized by conservatives […]
„Every value (every virtue, every guiding principle, every human quality) can only develop its full constructive effect if it is in sustained tension with a positive […]
Values guide. Values are identity-forming. „For in order to willingly and freely recognize and accept other values, one must have one’s own. (Schopenhauer 1819) Values can […]
„It is no longer the intention of history didactics to teach students as much forgettable knowledge as possible from a fixed canon. Rather, it asks and […]