Ethnology Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler explains universals in an interview with DIE ZEIT like this:
„It is striking, isn’t it, when almost all cultures do something in one way, although it would be possible otherwise. That women have children is a matter of course. That women raise children, on the other hand, is not biologically necessary and yet is the case in almost all cultures around the world. This is a cross-cultural pattern. By the way, the list of 73 universals dates from 1945, from the beginnings of universal research. Today we know 100 to 200 universals, depending on the definition.“ (Antweiler 2009)
He cites other examples:
„Hospitality. Nepotism. Prohibition of incest: You are not allowed to marry people who are related to you. This is universal, even if kinship is interpreted differently. Or sexual restrictions: We know of no culture that is devoid of sexual norms, although a life of permissiveness is always dreamed of. Finally, gestures: negation, for example, is expressed all over the world by turning one’s head away.“ (Antweiler 2009)
Antweiler, Christoph (2009): Heimat Mensch. What connects us all. Hamburg: Murmann.
Antweiler, Christoph (2009): Interview with Christoph Antweiler. [June 2009].
Lists of universals: